
My Friends

The athlete, the social butterfly, the nerd, and the quiet one, that's us. Can you guess who fits into each category? I'll give you a second - as many as you'd like, actually. Let me know in the comments. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Isn't it amazing how four extremely different people can get along so well? I think about that a lot, actually.

We went hiking recently, in an area across the river from where I took the pictures in this post, Choose Life, and near the place which inspired my essay, Nature.  They let me photograph them. I'm finding more and more joy out of photography. Lately, I've been really passionate about learning anything and everything about photography...

Looking for an Author

I've always been an avid reader - I read anything and everything under the sun that looks interesting. Altogether, my favorite genre is fiction. The idea of being able to create a model of the story in my mind is the reason reading is one of my favorite activities. I love discovering characters that stick with me long after I set the book down! For me, books are not an escape, but a way to learn and grow myself.

I started a new job recently at a nursery and landscape supply center that I really enjoy. It's a really chill and laid back environment that allows me a lot of time to ponder life. Along with the life-pondering I also spend time talking with customers and coworkers. Most of the communication occurs in small amounts with large intervals- which, let me tell you, is just the best thing ever- but there was one time recently that was different.

A New Baby

Meet Soren. I loved having the opportunity to photograph him - practice is everything, right? This month has been really busy for me school-wise and I've been struggling a bit with motivation and doing things that are out of my comfort zone. Well - more than a bit. I am becoming a hermit all over again. I'll be back soon. I promise. Click "Read More" to see more pictures.
Stay bold. Zoe

Choose Life

"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it." - Kevyn Aucoin

I few days ago, I woke up at 6 am and drove to Taylor's Falls to take some photos. I didn't bring anyone, but I found that I quite liked being alone. Lately, I've felt pretty unmotivated, but deciding to choose life - to choose to wake up and do something that makes me happy - that was a game changer. I'm sitting at home with strep right now waiting to not be contagious anymore, but i'm enjoying taking some time to go through my pictures and get inspired. Take a peek at my little adventure below

The Future

It's okay to be scared. Right now, at this exact moment, I have no idea where I am going. And I feel a lot of fear.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Sorry - let's get some context here.

Possibilities. It's a class I am taking right now at school. The class is packed with quizzes: personality quizzes, skills quizzes, career quizzes, work value quizzes. SO MANY QUIZZES. The anticipation is high - filling in the tiny answer bubbles on the screen. I'm thinking over and over - this is going to tell me what to do. But it never does. I'd say the quiz doesn't work on me. That would be a lie. I agree with all of it: the personality (INTP) and the skills, and the work values. But in the end, the thing that I've realized is that however helpful these quizzes are, none of them can give me the answer I want to hear. This has pushed me to come to the conclusion that it's all me. Much like Tris from Divergent, I am entirely in control of my future. And it is completely possible that I will choose wrong.

© Zoe Mack
Design:Maira Gall.